The Walley Creek Streamkeepers were understandably worried in August 2021 when we heard that the property beside Pipers Pub (4670 Hammond Bay Rd.) was was for sale. Our group formed when a similar high density subdivision on Hammond Bay Road was granted a development permit within the watercourse protection area. We've since heard that those homes have problems with flooded basements during rain storms, despite sump pumps moving water out. The property beside Piper's Pub contains two important wetlands associated with Walley Creek, which manage flow and filter the water as it flows downstream. For development near wetlands a 15m setback is the default, and the Development Permit Area guidelines outline more details on what is required on specific sites. You can read the City of Nanaimo's description of their watercourse protection here. In February 2023, when the property sold, we streamkeepers wrote a letter to Mayor and Council on behalf of our group, and encouraged concerned neighbors who contacted us to do the same. Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document. A development permit for 4670 Hammond Bay Rd. was approved by City Council on July 8, 2024. To see it, go to What's Building in My Neighborhood, and type 4670 as the address and Hammond Bay into the next drop-down box. Make sure the "show inactive" box is ticked above, then click on the S that comes up on the map.. Two pages of the permit are included below for reference. To our great relief, the developer is not planning to create any road access to Hammond Bay through the wetland or across the creek. Also, the wetland areas have been protected as parks, and the riparian area boundary is being respected. What a difference from the last development in our watershed, and an important step to protecting all the plants and animals that thrive in this healthy ecosystem! Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
On this gorgeous fall day we set out once again to prevent the bank from eroding where Walley Creek flows behind private residences between Hammond Bay Road and Ecole Hammond Bay.
We wonder if this problem was caused by the creek being moved? There is a natural seep that flows from a different direction, past the tennis courts and through the salamander meadow. The erosion is exacerbated by yard waste being thrown over the fence, though all but one neighbor has cleaned up their act. In any case, our goal is healthy fish habitat, and keeping the creek from filling up with silt and soil if there are debris jams and high flows. This design was suggested by Lindsey Haist of Alder Environmental, and it's been very successful so far. Today we reinforced "benches" built in previous years, installed new ones, and planted sword fern and dull Oregon grape, hoping their roots will take hold. We had a strong crew of family (Nina's husband, children and grandchildren, and Linda's husband and children), dedicated volunteers, and recent VIU grads to pull this off in a couple of hours. We were so grateful for a delivery of healthy plants from Streamside to restore the biodiversity of this area. The project was completed with support from the City of Nanaimo Community Watershed Restoration grant, project management and volunteer coordination in partnership with the Nanaimo & Area Land Trust, of which Walley Creek Streamkeepers is a committee. There happened to be an interpretive tour of the salamander monitoring project in this area led by Elke Wind at the same time that we were working! The group found three dead naked mole rats, that could have been victims of rat poison?? We also encountered some very angry wasps, who are cranky during this fall season and took it out on a couple of volunteers, ouch!
Our group has a nice rhythm of spring/summer invasive removal and fall planting. This has the goal of increasing biodiversity, stabilizing the stream banks to prevent erosion, and restoring the plant communities that were here pre-disturbance.
We are learning that it's not as simple as putting plants in the ground. Despite best efforts at placement, some plants get trampled, browsed by deer, suffer from summer drought, or don't make it for unknown reasons. We've learned that ferns and Oregon grape are nearly indestructible, though they haven't survived well on the steep slope stabilization projects. The key seems to be considering which plants need "wet feet" - salmon berry and Cedar, for example, and which ones can tolerate drier conditions - snow berry and pine. Then adding lots and lots of bark mulch and wood chips to hold onto moisture and nutrients in our dry summers. Even still, not all the plants survive. We keep planting densely, using chicken wire and Plantskydd to deter the deer, and repeating planting as we assess what's surviving. It makes us grateful for the established trees that are there, and appreciate the truth in the saying, "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now." In November 2022 we planted over 250 plants from Streamside Native Plants over several days with the help of over 20 volunteers recruited through NALT, as well as a group of students from Ecole Hammond Bay. In February 2023 a small group got the last few plants in the ground!
The Walley Creek Streamkeepers, in partnership with the City of Nanaimo, Snuneymuxw First Nation, and Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), are undertaking a restoration project this summer to make the creek healthier for the fish and other animals that live there. Walley Creek has resident cutthroat trout, and has the possibility to support Coho salmon. In-stream work can only happen during the window of August 15 to September 15. This is to prevent damage to sensitive fish habitat. In-stream work requires a permit from the Provincial Government, and is done with the greatest amount of care possible, with the goal to leave the fish habitat better. Outside of this time, nothing should ever enter or block the water – not humans, animals, or tree parts. If branches and other “small woody debris” incidentally enter the water (through storms or getting flushed downstream) volunteers must remove blockages, with permission from DFO, the City and the Province. This work is supervised by Dave Clough, R.P.Bio. 2021 planned in-stream work (summer):
A team of hard working volunteers worked to improve fish access to the culvert under Morningside Drive. This work had been done in (year?) but time and heavy rains had washed it out. Volunteers under the direction of Dave Clough carried boulders down to the stream and placed them in a gradual slop up to the culvert. The project stood up to torrential rains that came in early October. We gratefully acknowledge the Pacific Salmon Foundation for supporting this project.
While Walley Creek is open to the surface along its whole length, it is fed by storm drain inputs from the developed areas of the watershed, as well as groundwater seepage. To see a map of the storm drains in the Walley Creek Watershed, visit the interactive Nanaimo map - Click on Themes and choose Utilities. On the left side, check the box that says Storm. (The photo below is an example.) You can also turn on the air photos, and select different attributes that you want to see as you zoom in. Since 2019 our group has been dismayed see the creek go dry in the lower reaches (Shores Drive to the ocean) during the summer. We are desperately trying to sleuth out why this is happening, since we know it's fatal for the fish and invertebrates that depend on the creek being wet. In August and September 2019 and 2021, creek water has been present only in isolated pools in Reaches 1 and 2, if at all. There is one pipe just south of Shores Drive that we found during our (2016/2017) stream assessment that isn't on the City utilities map. Water used to trickle out of it that we assumed was groundwater because it was so cold (<12 degrees C). In fall 2018 we walked that area to plan for some restoration work and noticed it's not providing water to the creek anymore. We're wondering if that has something to do with why the creek is dry. In August 2021 we decided to walk the creek again from Morningside Park north, mapping storm drain inputs.
Again this year we deferred our annual invasive removal with Ecole Hammond Bay students, since the public health regulations aren't changing to allow large outdoor gatherings until after June 15. For now, we're working with our small group of volunteers to remove invasive plants in the riparian area between the gravel path and Walley Creek adjacent to Ecole Hammond Bay. Last year we almost eradicated the thistle that had completely overtaken the area. That allowed other invasive plants to thrive, so this year we are tackling Himalayan blackberry, Daphne (Spurge-laurel), English Ivy, and Bur Chervil. (To identify invasive plants in your area check out the Invasive Species Council of BC website.). These plants are competing with native baby Fir, Cedar, Arbutus and Maple trees, and Salal, Oregon grape and Ocean Spray shrubs for space, light and nutrients. Our hope is that this concerted effort will eventually allow the native plants to become established, creating a more biodiverse and healthy riparian ecosystem.
poster courtesy of Damaris Brisco, learn more
May 2021, nursery for long-toed salamanders
For the past year, we have worked with the City of Nanaimo to restore the riparian area in reach 2 (read more here). Between the crushed gravel path and the creek there is a shallow pool with some water flowing through it. With help from Elke Wind, herpetologist and wetland specialist, we investigated this area for potential wetland enhancement. The City of Nanaimo generously supplied an excavator and operator (Ryan) to dig test pits so we could examine the underground soil structure and better understand how water moves through this area. Ryan excavated 5 test pits so we could see if the water flowing through the wetland area is surface water or groundwater. We determined that it is surface water, possibly flowing from the north (ie. Shores Drive access to Neck Point). The pits filled up with water, so after filling the holes back up they were very soft (like quicksand). Ryan placed boulders and logs over top, and we flagged where the pits were. We did not expect the sandy substrate underneath the shale rock on the surface! As far as wetland enhancement - Elke suggested we could put in a pond liner with wetland plants around the periphery, or watch the existing surface water and plan to enhance what's there. Elke's advice either way is to watch the water level and flow before making further plans. The wetland area after our investigations.
Our annual invasive removal in Morningside Park looked a little different this year. With schools closed and everyone practicing physical distancing, we relied on a small group of friends and family to tackle invasives in Morningside Park. Thistle, Daphne, and Ivy out-compete native plants like Oregon grape, ocean spray, and tiny fir and Cedar for sunlight and nutrients. By removing as many invasives as possible, we hope to encourage the diverse native plants to thrive. Illegal dumping of yard waste continues to be a problem in Morningside Park. Year after year we discover leaves, grass clipping, and even Christmas trees dumped over people's fences into the sensitive riparian area. Years ago someone broke up an old patio and threw the concrete chunks and fence post footings "away". "Out of sight, out of mind" behaviour degrades the slope stability, causes erosion, smothers native plants that are stabilizing the bank and providing shade, and can crush/impede wildlife. Through talking to residents who back onto the creek, we know that most neighbors understand the importance of properly disposing of yard waste. However, a part of restoration still includes removing materials that have been illegally dumped. We're hoping our continued work and outreach eradicates this problem!
August 2024